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Pre-engineered buildings are the state-of-the-art steel solution to develop an efficient and cost-effective infrastructure. PEBs offer ultimate design flexibility and an extremely short construction time (right from initial design to completion). They are supplied as a fully finished product along with steel structure, building accessories and roof cladding. They require no on-site fabrication or welding they can simply be bolted together as per specifications. Pre-engineered buildings, compared to conventional steel buildings, offer numerous advantages especially when it comes to low rise buildings. In addition to the lower initial cost and faster delivery, you will only have to deal with one party, Delta Engineering, for the design and fabrication of our buildings. Delta Pre Engineered Buildings Advantages Pre-engineered building systems provide real value to clients without sacrificing durability, seismic and wind resistance, or aesthetic appearance. Cost savings begin right at the drawing preparation stage. Systems engineering and fabrication methods help reduce interim financing costs through faster construction and minimised field erection expense. An added benefit is earlier occupancy of the facility and a head start on day-to-day operations by the client. Apart from costs, there is an assurance of factory-built quality and uniformity in design and fabrication. These systems are also energy efficient; incorporate watertight roofing systems; enable easy disassembly or future expansion and have the lowest life cycle maintenance costs.


PEBs are best suited for warehouses, sports halls, factories, workshops, distribution centers, cold storage, supermarkets, aircraft hangars or any ground t-storey construction. From planning to occupancy, nothing matches Delta Pre-Engineered Building System in terms of versatility, flexibility and total value-engineering.




Increased speed of construction, quicker return on investment. Ensured quality of material, Design and construction. Unlimited architectural possibilities. Enhanced Durability and seismic reliability. Easy construction, maintenance and refurbishing. Increased Life cycle performance and cost competitiveness. Environment–friendly structures. Better value for money. Cleaner and unencumbered sites. Sustainability in construction through reuse of most materials. Suitability for Hilly regions and other geographically difficult areas. Hassle Free. Optimized design of steel reducing weight. Better Earthquake & Wind pressure resistant. Energy efficient roof and wall system using insulations. Easy integration of all construction materials. The building can be dismantled and relocated easily. Future extensions, expansion modification can be easily accommodated without much hassle. Faster delivery and erection, saving around 30-40% of project time. Column-free large spans, up to 90 m. Virtually maintenance free. Single-source responsibility. Systems approach’ ensures integrity and safety of all building components. Lighter weight; savings in foundation cost of 10-20 percent. Insulated from sound and heat, as per the requirement. Better rainwater harvesting through gutters and down-take arrangements. Overall economy.


High Strength Materials, The standard mild steel used in civil engineering construction have nominal yield stress values of approximately 250MPa but the PEB industry is using high tensile hot rolled steel plates and coils of 345MPa. Recent revision of IS2062:2006 has incorporated these high tensile grades of steel for structural uses and there are a good number of manufacturers like TATA, SAIL, etc. who are manufacturing these in India. The new materials like Fe540B gives yield stress as large as 410MPa in plate thickness lower than 20mm. the galvalume or zincalume roofing and wall sheets have strengths in the range of 550MPa. Steel became more popular in design and construction of larger structures as well structures with unusual geometry due to its large strength to weight ratio, viability of economical fabrication, and ease of erection. A typical sample of material specs for a PEB project, as defined and freezed in advance is enclosed for ready reference. This indicates that the client is assured of the quality of material that is being supplied.The design Process PrinciplesPre-engineering of metal buildings can be optimized to meet specific design criteria. Largely Indian and American practice of design is followed by most of the consultants and PEB vendors in India these days. A brief of design codes used in each of these is attached herewith:





Longitudinal cross bracing, used to provide lateral stability to the structure against wind, seismic or other forces, comprises of rods, pipes, angles or cables with an eye bolt and an adjusting nut at both ends, located near the outer flange of columns or rafters and attached at the web of the rigid frame.

Paints and finishes:

Any desired finish can be achieved as per the architect/client recommendations. Various choices are synthetic enamel or epoxy based paints, depending upon the environment inside and outside the building.Accessories, Attachments etc:As per the functional and architectural requirements, accessories are supplied in ready to fit condition. Ventilation and lighting systems should be properly designed in consultation with an expert.




Standard mezzanine structure consists of built-up beams that support built-up, hot-rolled or cold-formed mezzanine joists which in-turn support a metal deck. A concrete slab is cast on the metal deck as a finished surface. Steel checkered plates may also be used as top surface. These mezzanines are used for office space, storage or equipment supports in industries. For commercial buildings and high rise structures several types of light weight panel boards are available as horizontal surface.

PEB Design Process in Brief The Load calculations are done as in the case of a regular frame. Normally, the critical case governing the designs would be (DL+WL) or (DL+LL) conditions as the PEB slopes are minor (like 1 in 10). The support conditions are normally hinged, but it is some times beneficial, on a selective basis to use a fixed condition giving a gussetted base plate and Anchor bolt combination. In Hinged base condition, the section is normally tapered down and provided with a Bolted connection to the base. All the other Joints would be normally designed as rigid joints and steel connections are moment connections, transferring the axial, moment and shear values between the sections connected. In the Wind load calculations, the design wind pressures will be arrived at after a careful analysis and combinations of internal and external pressure coefficients or force coefficients, referring to IS-875 pt.3 latest version. Proper load combinations with Wind, Earthquake and Crane loads will be investigated.High Engineering Production/Erection Process.The PEB production process primarily consists of FOUR major parallel processing lines, as under:Built-up members for Primary frame.Cold forming for Secondary framing.Profiling for Roof and Wall sheeting.Accessories Bracings like Gutters, down take pipes, ridge Vents, Skylights, clips etc.




The production shipment of these components for a PEB structure uses following processes:


Plate cutting using ShearMulti-torch through optimized use of plate area.H-beam welding on automatic welding machines using SAW or MIG welding process.Fabrication for fitments like end plates, stiffeners and connections cleats.Cleaning the surface for painting.Slitting HR coils for cold forming operations to make Z and C sections with punching.Cutting and threading sag rods and bracing rods.


Fabrication of Diagonal bracing angles or pipes.Profiling the Galvalume/Zincalume sheets for roofing and wall cladding.Manufacturing Gutters, down take pipes in press bend.Procuring and assigning required matching fasteners for connections.Organizing some bought out accessories.Quality control tests & inspection; and matching with project wise Bill of Quantities as given by the engineering department.Dispatching to project sites as per sequence of erection.


The production shipment of these components for a PEB structure uses following processes:


Plate cutting using Shear Multi-torch through optimized use of plate area. H-beam welding on automatic welding machines using SAW or MIG welding process. Fabrication for fitments like end plates, stiffeners and connections cleats. Cleaning the surface for painting. Slitting HR coils for cold forming operations to make Z and C sections with punching. Cutting and threading sag rods and bracing rods.


Fabrication of Diagonal bracing angles or pipes. Profiling the Galvalume/Zincalume sheets for roofing and wall cladding. Manufacturing Gutters, down take pipes in press bend. Procuring and assigning required matching fasteners for connections. Organizing some bought out accessories. Quality control tests & inspection; and matching with project wise Bill of Quantities as given by the engineering department. Dispatching to project sites as per sequence of erection.


Erection of Our pre-engineered steel building consist of the following:


Steel framing members are delivered at site in pre-cut sizes, which eliminates cutting and welding at site. Being lighter in weight, the small members can be very easily assembled, bolted and raised with the help of cranes. This system allows very fast construction and reduces wastage and labour requirement. These buildings can then be provided with roof decking and wall cladding with metal profile sheets and proper insulation. The framing are so designed that electrical and plumbing services are part of it and can be very easily concealed.

Adding to these; there is no mess of sand and cement; power savings; walkable ceilings; progressive and non-progressive panel systems for walls. A poor man can be provided with a home created under strict quality control and having a longer life span, with greater safety against natural disasters like earthquakes and cyclones. Moreover, It is possible to create the building in required form and shape. And the ‘system approach’ renders a holistic way of thinking at one platform for consultants, designers, architects, and builders. Thus it tends to achieve a perfect harmony among various stringent specifications and aesthetic requirements in a most economic way.

Diversified Applications. Almost every conceivable building use has been achieved with PEB; the most common applications are industrial, institutional and commercial. In India, Pre-engineered building systems find application primarily in the construction of Warehouses, & Industrial sheds & Buildings. The recent focus has also shifted to cover Rural as well as urban, individual and mass housing projects, farmhouses, slum re-organisation projects and rehabilitation projects, amenity structures like health centres, kiosks, primary schools, panchayat ghars etc. The pharmaceutical industries and exhibition centres, and functional requirements like offices, seminar halls, call centres, supermarkets, showrooms etc. have also attracted PEB. Earthquake-resistant buildings are the recent applications of PEB with wide and immediate acceptance. PEB concept has acted as a catalyst in the infrastructure development of the country. Single storied houses for living take minimum time for construction and can be built in any type of geographic location like extreme cold hilly areas, high rain prone areas, plain land, extreme hot climatic zones etc.


Applications of pre-engineered steel buildings include (but are not limited to) the following:

Industrial Buildings, industrial constructions, Workshop's, Warehouses, Commercial Complexes & Supermarkets, Showrooms, Corporate Office Buildings. Schools. Indoor Stadiums, Outdoor Stadiums with canopies, Fuel Stations, Metro Stations, Bus Terminals, Parking Lots. High rise Buildings. Customized Housing. Large Exhibition Centers and many more….Aircraft Hangers, Labor Camps, Community Centers, Railway Stations & Railway Storage yards, Equipment housing/shelters, Telecommunication shelters. “Almost” any low-rise building. There is a great possibility of improving the aesthetic quality with a choice of roofing elements, exterior finishes, weather-sheds, color system and variations in planning as well as massing main Components


There are following major components in a pre-engineered building:


Primary or Main frame Gable End framing or Wind columns. Secondary frame or Purlins, girts etc. Roof & Wall Sheeting. Bracing system, Crane system, Mezzanine system & Insulations. Attachments like canopies, fascia etc. Doors, Windows, Ventilators. Accessories like Turbo vents, Ridge Vents, Skylights etc. Main framing basically includes the rigid steel frames of the building.

The PEB rigid frame comprises tapered/straight columns and tapered rafters (steel plate fabricated ‘I’ or ‘H’ sections are referred to as built-up members). The frame is erected by bolting the end plates of connecting sections together. Secondary frame or Purlins, girts etc. Purlins, girts and eave struts are also known as secondary cold-formed members. There is no welding involved in their preparation. They are prepared by press bending the HR steel coil giving it the desired shape(Z- or C-shape).Roof Wall Panels Metallic plain or color coated profiled steel sheets are used as roof and wall sheeting. The steel sheets are generally made from Zinalume or Galvalume coils in thickness range of 0.47mm to 0.55mm. The base steel is either galvanized having a zinc coating varying from a minimum Mass of 120 gsm./m2 to a maximum of 275 gsm./m2 (total of both sides) or a base steel coating of zinc – aluminum (zinc 45%, aluminum 55%) of total Mass of 150 gsm./m2 (total of both sides) are available with permanent color coating. The color coating is also available in various options in polyester paint coating like regular modified polyester, silicon modified polyester and super polyester coatings. Special organic coatings like PVF2 (Poly Vinyl Fluoride) are also made available. These various color coatings on the base steel with galvanized or zinc aluminum coating provides suitable resistance for various kinds of environment hazards. Metal roofing and siding profiles can be manufactured to any length – limited only by transportation constraints (usually to 12 meters). Lap joints with 150mm to 200mm overlap virtually eliminate water ingress. Profiling can be carried out at site itself with no limit in lengths. This permits a totally joint-less run of roofing, a major advantage to the designers to create roofing with the minimum pitch. Machines have been developed which permit rolling at the eaves level so that even the task of lifting and shifting the rolled profiles in to position is avoided. Standing seam profiles with a pre-determined height of up-stands can be chosen to accommodate the expected run-off of water without overflow on to the crest of the profile.

At the initial project planning stage, roof slope is a key consideration for architects incorporating roof systems into their designs. Slopes as shallow as 1:20 are possible ensuring sufficient drainage of water and good long term performance of roof panels. These profile steel sheets are usually categorized into two types depending upon the type of fixing arrangement followed. These two types are known as Through Fastened and second one is Standing Seam Installation of this type of roofing cladding system can provide 30 years or more of trouble-free service in most environments. Insulations for these buildings can be properly insulated by providing fibrous insulation slabs/rolls of non-combustible Rockwool, Aluminum foil laminated, placed over a metal mesh bed created between the purlins, and then the roofing steel sheet fixed over it. The siding walls can also be insulated by providing a double skin profile steel sheet wall cladding having Rockwool Insulation slab sandwiched in between and held in position with the help of ‘Z’ spacers in between the two profile steel sheets. In similar pattern a double skin insulated roofing system can also be erected. Sandwich Panels. Another alternative is to provide pre-fabricated insulated panels, which comprises two single skin panels (plain steel sheets zincalume color coated) with polyurethane foam insulation in between.

These panels are intended for use as thermally efficient roof and wall claddings for buildings e.g., in high altitude areas and cold storages. In addition to the above sandwich panels also find extensive use in residential as well as non-residential buildings. The panels provide sufficient insulation and noise reduction properties. Nowadays large cold storage units (Potato, Onion, vegetables, processed foods etc.) are also made with this pre-engineered building technique.


Crane systems:


These pre–engineered buildings can be equipped with Overhead EOT cranes, Semi-gantry cranes, wall mounted cranes, Mono rails and under slung cranes for various material and equipment handling operations inside. These buildings are being designed for crane capacities ranging from 1MT to 250MT. The crane runway beams (Gantry Girders) are simply supported built-up sections with/without cap channels and with maintenance platforms and ladders. Catwalks for crane maintenance are usually mounted alongside the crane beams, suspended under rigid frame rafters or elevated above the top of the building roof. Cranes at various levels can also be provided. PEB vendors generally do not keep the supply of rail and Crane Bridge with crane in their scope.


     Madhuranagar, Yousufguda plot no. A-43,                 Hyderabad-500045, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.



      #101, Vertex Fairmount , Beside Domino's,

      Manipal County Road , Singasandra ,

      Bangalore, INDIA .



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